Distance calculations


The first step in calculating the distance between two locations is to obtain the geographic coordinates of these locations, which is called geocoding. For this, we use the open-source geocoder Pelias, as well as a database of train stations.

a) Geocoding for air travel

Most airports around the world can be identified by a unique code, assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). To retrieve the location of airports, we use Pelias and search for the IATA code in combination with the keyword “Airport”.

In the calc_co2_businesstrip() function, the user only needs to provide the IATA codes for start and destination, e.g.:

emissions, distance, range_category, range_description = calc_co2_businesstrip(
    transportation_mode: "plane",
    seating = "economy_class",
    roundtrip: bool = False)

b) Geocoding for train trips

To obtain the coordinates of train stations within Europe, we use the train station database by Trainline.

As you can see above, a dictionary with the keys country and station_name has to be provided for both start and destination. Calculating a train trip may thus look like this:

start_dict = {
              "country": "DE",
              "station_name: "Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof"
dest_dict = {
              "country": "DE",
              "station_name: "Hamburg Hauptbahnhof"
emissions, distance, range_category, range_description = calc_co2_businesstrip(
    transportation_mode: "train",
    roundtrip: bool = False)

We use the fuzzy string matching package thefuzz to find the train station in the database which best matches the user input.

c) Geocoding for other trips

For other trips (e.g., car or bus), we use Pelias structured geocoding as included in openrouteservice. This means that the user has different predefined fields to specify an address.

Good results can be achieved by specifying country, locality and address. Further specifications are usually not needed and can sometimes even negatively affect the geocoding results.

Distance computation

For the computation of distances between places of departure and destination, we use two different approaches, depending on the specified mode of transport:

a) Distance as the crow flies + detour

Calculating the distance as the crow flies (great circle distance) and multiplying by a detour coefficient or adding a detour constant.

The distance as the crow flies is calculated using the haversine formula:

The transport modes for which this approach is used are listed in the table below, together with their detour parameters.

b) Road distance

Calculating the road distance using openrouteservice.

This approach is only used for the transport mode car.

Here is an example of how this works using the openrouteservice Python library).

import openrouteservice
from openrouteservice.directions import directions

clnt = openrouteservice.Client(key=ors_api_key)

# coords: list/tuple of locations [lat,long]
route = directions(clnt, coords, profile="driving-car")
distance = route["routes"][0]["summary"]["distance"]